
Let's Talk Place Settings

Let’s Talk Place Settings!


A place setting is more than the necessary plates, forks, and glassware. It's an opportunity to express your style and give a hint of what's to come!

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New trends in catering for 2021

Creating and Serving that Special Dinner


Trends emerging from the pandemic are sparking many to reinvent their options with exciting new ideas on creating and serving that special dinner.

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Trend Watch - Wedding Day Catering

Trend Watch: Wedding Day Catering


Brides and grooms are increasingly putting their money where their mouth is, prioritizing deliciousness and allotting much of their budget for memorable meals.

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Groom's cuff monogram

A New Take on the Traditional Wedding Meal


One of the hottest trends in weddings in 2017 is a new take on the traditional wedding meal.  Brides and grooms are opting out of traditional chicken, steak or fish...

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Food Trends


Late Night Menu One food feature that you will find at almost every wedding are late-night eats. Guests have sat through a wedding, enjoyed cocktails and appetizers, ate dinner, listened...

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Catering for your wedding

7 Steps to the Perfect Wedding Cuisine


Perhaps the only part of a wedding that’s gotten a bad rap throughout the years is the meal. Guests usually expect a dry chicken breast and some sticky rice pilaf,...

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The Dish: How to Choose a Wedding Caterer


A large portion of your wedding budget will go toward food and beverages, so choosing the right caterer for your big day is an important decision, whether you’re feeding 30...

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